Why not gold?

I’ve received many comments on returning to gold as the national medium of exchange.  Here’s my short answer on why I think it’s an insufficient solution:

A dollar lent at 10 percent interest compounded annually becomes 10 dollars in under 25 years.  That means that if the money supply were 100 percent gold, and if bankers lent out 10 percent of it at 10 percent interest compounded annually, in 25 years the bankers would own all the gold.  To avoid that, either the money supply has to be expandable — which means allowing fiat money — or the taking of interest has to be outlawed, as it was in the Middle Ages.

The banking shell game: “spreading risk” turns to contagion

Here is an excellent article explaining how the derivatives scheme, which “spread the risk” in a way that was supposed to protect investors, has actually spread credit risk like a contagion, infecting everything it touches. 

“Financial Shell Games” by Satyajit Das, New Delhi, September 16, 2007


Smoke and mirrors: concealing economic collapse with the shock of war?

“Soup Kitchen USA” by Mike Whitney, September 11, 2007http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article18360.htm 

“It’s all smoke and mirrors. The financial system has decoupled from the productive elements of the economy and is now beginning to show disturbing signs of instability. That’s why the big blow-off in the bond market. The halcyon days of supplying our armies, funding our markets and building our subprime ‘ownership society’ empire on the backs of foreign creditors is over. The stock market is headed for the landfill and housing is leading the way. Economic fundamentals can only be ignored for so long . . . .”

At the end of this article,Whitney discusses one from the UK Telegraph (9-9-07) titled “Banks Face 10-day Debt Time Bomb”:


To which one blogger ominously observes:
In the article above, it notes that
UK banks are in serious trouble of having to cough up a boatload of cash between 9/11 and 9/19. 9/14 lies smack in the middle of this. Could another false flag attack be used as some type of distraction? Most of the SEC evidence against World Com, Enron and others was lost in the WTC complex on 9/11/01. Is there a target in America that will serve the same purpose this time around? It seems the global financial system is in the process of imploding. We need to quickly identify how an attack might thwart it, or maybe make it look like it was the attack rather than bad monetary and fiscal policy that caused the economy to tank world wide. Would this just be an attack, an ‘accident’ or the sum of all fears – an errant nuke detonation used to justify a limited and orchestrated nuclear exchange between West and East? If the global monetary system is about to result in open worldwide revolution, and you were responsible, wouldn’t you try to make it look like something else was the cause? (and take out a few of the ‘masses’ in the process?) Remember, most military action in any nation is the direct result of flawed domestic policy or weak leaders, most notably relating to the economy. Now imagine that on a world wide scale.


See also “The Shock Doctrine,” a must-see film by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein, demonstrating how “free market” economists pioneered the concept of “shock” to push through whatever draconion economic policies they desired on unsuspecting populations recovering from major disasters:


What’s the Wizard of Oz got to do with money reform?

I just found a 12-page blog entry by “thx1138” that summarizes my book and what it all means so well that I’m copying the first 2 pages here.  (That may be copyright infringement, but here’s my defense: most of it came from my book!)  Thanks for your insights on my insights, thx1138!  I’ve read everything I could find on the subject and digested it and put it into my best prose; but the next reader who sees it fresh then sees even more ramifications.  My brilliant friendly editors played that role too.  It’s a group effort.  Anyone else with fresh insights is invited to post them at the right under the new blog section titled “Join in the Debate!”  I should add, because someone just brought it up, that Thx1138 and his commenters seem to have an issue with race, and I prefer to avoid that issue.  (You notice how I’m not even naming the race?)  I don’t think you can blame a whole race for anything in history; it’s always a few bad apples twisting the purposes of the race.  Even if it’s a leader with a whole army of followers, it still isn’t the “race” that did it.  Anyway it’s not my issue.  I’m just delving into the system, how it works, what went wrong, and how we can fix it.  So here’s the post: 



I’ll get to the “Wizard of Oz” reference in a moment. It’s a bit of history I did not know before.

First, you already know that private bankers own mankind. You know they create money on a computer screen. Take their power away, but leave them the power to create money, and with the touch of a button they will create enough money to buy the earth back again.

You know that bankers create principal, but not the interest to service their loans. To find the interest, new loans must continually be taken out. This expands the money supply, increases prices, and robs you of the value of your money. Thus, private bankers ultimately rule through inflation, (ever-increasng debt) which makes you run faster and faster on a treadmill owned by the private bankers. Eventually you must drop.

You also know that the government does not create money (except for coins). The Federal Reserve creates money and lends it to us. Every dollar in your hand is a debt note to private bankers. And since we all use money, we all play with debt (negative capital) whether we like it or not. If we ended the private banking cartel, the federal debt could be paid, income taxes could be eliminated, and social programs could be expanded — all without imposing austerity measures or sparking runaway inflation. This is not utopian. It has been done many times in history, starting with ancient Rome.

The International Banker is like the Wizard of Oz, standing behind the curtain of policymakers and “elected” leaders. Behind the curtain is a little old man, playing with lights and loudspeakers.


Frank Baum wrote his Wizard of Oz books at the turn of the century, when the money question was still a hotly debated issue. His Oz books were an allegory for our tyrannical money system. Example: In the 1890s, the private bankers did not yet own all the media sources. Therefore everyone was concerned with how money should be created. Should the government create it with full accountability to the people — or should private banks create it in secret? After the Jekyl Island meeting in 1910, the latter option won. World War I and the Great Depression sealed the private banks’ power. We have been enslaved ever since. (Those who think “enslaved” is an exaggeration do not understand the game.)

William Jennings Bryan, the Populist candidate for President in 1896 and again in 1900, mounted the last serious challenge to the private bankers. In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) Frank Baum used the cowardly lion to represent William Jennings Bryan. In the 1900 book (not the 1939 movie) the Lion finally proves he is the King of Beasts by decapitating a giant spider that terrorizes everyone in the forest. The giant spider was the Morgan/Rockefeller banking cartel, which William Jennings Bryan opposed.

The scarecrow represented farmers, who did not understand how the bankers were screwing them. The tin man represented industrial laborers who were desperate for lubricant (currency). Dorothy is the average American girl. The yellow brick road was the gold standard, which led to the Emerald City (Washington or, alternately, New York’s financial district). The wizard is the U.S. President, who in the book is terrified of the evil witches. The “wicked witch of the east” was the eastern financial establishment. The “wicked witch of the west” was the western bankers (at that time ensconced in Ohio). The “good witch of the north” was the people. The munchkins were the generally enslaved, who live in terror of the evil witches (the bankers). And so on.


Before World War I, two opposing systems of political economy competed for dominance in the United States. One was the New York financial district, which came to symbolize American finance. Its most important address was 23 Wall Street, known as the “House of Morgan.” Mr. J. P. Morgan was an agent of private Jewish banking interests. Since private financiers controlled the gold, they established a national currency based on the “gold standard.” Today the gold standard has been eliminated, and the global economy is based on funny money. This allows an increase of debt as never before in world history.

The other system dated back to Benjamin Franklin. It operated out of Philadelphia, which was the USA’s first capitol before the capitol was moved to Washington. At one of the Constitutional Conventions, Franklin’s “Society for Political Inquiries” planned an economy that would free us from economic slavery to England. In response, England sent troops to enforce the private Jewish bankers’ power, thus sparking the War Of Independence. The Philadelphia faction favored a bank on a model established in provincial Pennsylvania. In this model, a state office issued or lent money, collected the interest, and returned it to the provincial government to be used in place of taxes. President Lincoln returned to the colonial system of government-issued money during the Civil War, but the bankers assassinated him and reclaimed control of the money machine.

As you know, the bankers’ power was finally sealed by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, plus the Income Tax Act, World War I, and the Great Depression. Private banks deliberately caused all these disasters. Today the average person assumes that government (not private bankers) creates money. Therefore everyone thinks inflation is caused by an out-of-control government running the dollar printing presses. In reality, inflation is caused by private bankers issuing loans. As noted above, every dollar they create is a loan we must pay back to the bankers with interest. About 97% of our currency is not coins or bills. It exists only in the computers of private central banks. The interest on the U.S. government’s $9 trillion debt will soon be more than the taxpayers can afford to pay. When taxpayers can’t pay it, the economy will collapse. Then private bankers will launch World War III. Economists are paid to chatter about nothing. Their lies conceal the power of the private bankers. Economics needs lightening up with imagery, metaphors, characters, and a plot.


Ellen Hodgson Brown, a brilliant attorney in Los Angeles, has written a book titled Web of Debt, which dissects and exposes the entire game. I saw the book at rense.com. Much of what she says you already know about, but there is much information I did not know, such as the Wizard of Oz books being an allegory for the tyranny of private bankers. Ms. Brown explains how and why the bankers deliberately sparked the illegal alien invasion, for example. She also includes numerous quotes from central bankers who explain (in their own words) how the game is played.

I encourage you to troll around Ms. Brown’s web site. http://www.webofdebt.com/  Also be sure to check out her blog at https://webofdebt.wordpress.com/ . She has a lot of juicy stuff. She also says (correctly) that history must be completely re-written so we know the truth. Her analysis of Nazi Germany and the island of Guernsey (an independent nation off the coast of England) are major eye-openers. Miracles are possible if we just take back control of our money and follow the U.S. Constitution.You absolutely must read her “Dollar Deception: How Banks Secretly Create Money.” Ms. Brown explains how one American man legally defeated the banks, which wanted to foreclose on the man’s property. Since banks crate money out of thin air, there is no “consideration.” Hence all contracts with banks are null.  


You will also learn why there is a wave of illegal immigration from Mexico to the USA. Mexico is suffering from a depression, caused by private bankers (Goldman Sachs etc.) that stole billions from Mexico’s reserves. This wiped out almost all the jobs in Mexico, despite the fact that Mexico has plenty of oil. (See “The Tequila Trap.”)