The Leveraged Buyout of America

Giant bank holding companies now own airports, toll roads, and ports; control power plants; and store and hoard vast quantities of commodities of all sorts. They are systematically buying up or gaining control of the essential lifelines of the economy. How have they pulled this off, and where have they gotten the money?

In a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke dated June 27, 2013, US Representative Alan Grayson and three co-signers expressed concern about the expansion of large banks into what have traditionally been non-financial commercial spheres. Specifically:

[W]e are concerned about how large banks have recently expanded their businesses into such fields as electric power production, oil refining and distribution, owning and operating of public assets such as ports and airports, and even uranium mining.

After listing some disturbing examples, they observed:

According to legal scholar Saule Omarova, over the past five years, there has been a “quiet transformation of U.S. financial holding companies.” These financial services companies have become global merchants that seek to extract rent from any commercial or financial business activity within their reach.  They have used legal authority in Graham-Leach-Bliley to subvert the “foundational principle of separation of banking from commerce. . . .

It seems like there is a significant macro-economic risk in having a massive entity like, say JP Morgan, both issuing credit cards and mortgages, managing municipal bond offerings, selling gasoline and electric power, running large oil tankers, trading derivatives, and owning and operating airports, in multiple countries.

A “macro” risk indeed – not just to our economy but to our democracy and our individual and national sovereignty. Giant banks are buying up our country’s infrastructure – the power and supply chains that are vital to the economy. Aren’t there rules against that? And where are the banks getting the money?

How Banks Launder Money Through the Repo Market

In an illuminating series of articles on Seeking Alpha titled “Repoed!”, Colin Lokey argues that  the investment arms of large Wall Street banks are using their “excess” deposits – the excess of deposits over loans – as collateral for borrowing in the repo market. Repos, or “repurchase agreements,” are used to raise short-term capital. Securities are sold to investors overnight and repurchased the next day, usually day after day.

The deposit-to-loan gap for all US banks is now about $2 trillion, and nearly half of this gap is in Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo alone. It seems that the largest banks are using the majority of their deposits (along with the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing dollars) not to back loans to individuals and businesses but to borrow for their own trading. Acquiring a company or a portion of a company mostly with borrowed money is called a “leveraged buyout.” The banks are leveraging our money to buy up ports, airports, toll roads, power, and massive stores of commodities.

Using these excess deposits directly for their own speculative trading would be blatantly illegal, but the banks have been able to avoid the appearance of impropriety by borrowing from the repo market. (See my earlier article here.) The banks’ excess deposits are first used to purchase Treasury bonds, agency securities, and other highly liquid, “safe” securities. These liquid assets are then pledged as collateral in repo transactions, allowing the banks to get “clean” cash to invest as they please. They can channel this laundered money into risky assets such as derivatives, corporate bonds, and equities (stock).

That means they can buy up companies. Lokey writes, “It is common knowledge that prop [proprietary] trading desks at banks can and do invest in a variety of assets, including stocks.” Prop trading desks invest for the banks’ own accounts. This was something that depository banks were forbidden to do by the New Deal-era Glass-Steagall Act but that was allowed in 1999 by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed those portions of Glass-Steagall.

The result has been a massively risky $700-plus trillion speculative derivatives bubble. Lokey quotes from an article by Bill Frezza in the January 2013 Huffington Post titled “Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Gamble With Bernanke Bucks“:

If you think [the cash cushion from excess deposits] makes the banks less vulnerable to shock, think again. Much of this balance sheet cash has been hypothecated in the repo market, laundered through the off-the-books shadow banking system. This allows the proprietary trading desks at these “banks” to use that cash as collateral to take out loans to gamble with. In a process called hyper-hypothecation this pledged collateral gets pyramided, creating a ticking time bomb ready to go kablooey when the next panic comes around.

That Explains the Mountain of Excess Reserves

Historically, banks have attempted to maintain a loan-to-deposit ratio of close to 100%, meaning they were “fully loaned up” and making money on their deposits. Today, however, that ratio is only 72% on average; and for the big derivative banks, it is lower yet. The unlent portion represents the “excess deposits” available to be tapped as collateral for the repo market.

The Fed’s quantitative easing contributes to this collateral pool by converting less-liquid mortgage-backed securities into cash in the banks’ reserve accounts. This cash is not something the banks can spend for their own proprietary trading, but they can invest it in “safe” securities – Treasuries and similar securities that are also the sort of collateral acceptable in the repo market. Using this repo collateral, the banks can then acquire the laundered cash with which they can invest or speculate for their own accounts.

Lokey notes that US Treasuries are now being bought by banks in record quantities. These bonds stay on the banks’ books for Fed supervision purposes, even as they are being pledged to other parties to get cash via repo. The fact that such pledging is going on can be determined from the banks’ balance sheets, but it takes some detective work. Explaining the intricacies of this process, the evidence that it is being done, and how it is hidden in plain sight takes Lokey three articles, to which the reader is referred. Suffice it to say here that he makes a compelling case.

Can They Do That?

Countering the argument that “banks can’t really do anything with their excess reserves” and that “there is no evidence that they are being rehypothecated,” Lokey points to data coming to light in conjunction with JPMorgan’s $6 billion “London Whale” fiasco. He calls it “clear-cut proof that banks trade stocks (and virtually everything else) with excess deposits.” JPM’s London-based Chief Investment Office [CIO] reported:

JPMorgan’s businesses take in more in deposits that they make in loans and, as a result, the Firm has excess cash that must be invested to meet future liquidity needs and provide a reasonable return. The primary reponsibility of CIO, working with JPMorgan’s Treasury, is to manage this excess cash. CIO invests the bulk of JPMorgan’s excess cash in high credit quality, fixed income securities, such as municipal bonds, whole loans, and asset-backed securities, mortgage backed securities, corporate securities, sovereign securities, and collateralized loan obligations.

Lokey comments:

That passage is unequivocal — it is as unambiguous as it could possibly be. JPMorgan invests excess deposits in a variety of assets for its own account and as the above clearly indicates, there isn’t much they won’t invest those deposits in. Sure, the first things mentioned are “high quality fixed income securities,” but by the end of the list, deposits are being invested in corporate securities [stock] and CLOs [collateralized loan obligations]. . . . [T]he idea that deposits are invested only in Treasury bonds, agencies, or derivatives related to such “risk free” securities is patently false.

He adds:

[I]t is no coincidence that stocks have rallied as the Fed has pumped money into the coffers of the primary dealers while ICI data shows retail investors have pulled nearly a half trillion from U.S. equity funds over the same period. It is the banks that are propping stocks.

Another Argument for Public Banking

All this helps explain why the largest Wall Street banks have radically scaled back their lending to the local economy. It appears that their  loan-to-deposit ratios are low not because they cannot find creditworthy borrowers but because they can profit more from buying airports and commodities through their prop trading desks than from making loans to small local businesses.

Small and medium-sized businesses are responsible for creating most of the jobs in the economy, and they are struggling today to get the credit they need to operate. That is one of many reasons that we the people need to own some banks ourselves.  Publicly-owned banks can direct credit where it is needed in the local economy; can protect public funds from confiscation through “bail-ins” resulting from bad gambling in by big derivative banks; and can augment public coffers with banking revenues, allowing local governments to cut taxes, add services, and salvage public assets from fire-sale privatization. Publicly-owned banks have a long and successful history, and recent studies have found them to be the safest in the world.

As Representative Grayson and co-signers observed in their letter to Chairman Bernanke, the banking system is now dominated by “global merchants that seek to extract rent from any commercial or financial business activity within their reach.” They represent a return to a feudal landlord economy of unearned profits from rent-seeking. We need a banking system that focuses not on casino profiteering or feudal rent-seeking but on promoting economic and social well-being; and that is the mandate of the public banking sector globally.

For a PublicBankingTV video on the bail-in threat, see here.


Ellen Brown is an attorney, president of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books including the best-selling Web of Debt. In The Public Bank Solution, her latest book, she explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her websites are,, and

75 Responses

  1. This is why entrpeneurs are seeing difficulties in obtaining funds from the commercial banks, for they think, me first and maybe than society.
    What a very thorough and qualitative information. Me as a european think how about the european \banks?? like Deutsche Bank etc. etc.??

  2. Reblogged this on Spartan of Truth and commented:

  3. wonder how many neighborhoods and apartment complexes are owned by bank holding companies now.

  4. Excellent article, as easily understood as Sach’s recent stockpiling of aluminium, driving up the price of that commodity. Now we know where they got the cash to corner a substantial section of the aluminium market. God help us all from the big squeeze if the big banks manage a major take over of the essential “life blood” markets of the world’s economies. It is as plain as the nose on our faces that the public needs to protect itself by instituting it’s own public banking system as a counter balance to the financial bullies of Wall Street.

  5. […] piece first appeared on Web of Debt. Its author, Ellen Brown, was named Truthdig’s “Truthdigger of the Week” over the […]

  6. Ellen, I submitted the following comment twice. Why isn’t it being posted?

    There is no national debt, deficit, or unfunded liabilities. Government employees don’t issue our cyber and paper currency, the private Federal Reserve banking crime syndicate does. And they do so out of thin air whenever they want for whatever they want. The same gang also controls “precious” metals mining and markets and have for centuries. They just love people to think our currency should be needlessly backed by their metals.

    Their scam is age-old: Indoctrinating you into thinking their worthless currency has actual value so they can sell it to national governments for its face value plus interest, when in reality it has little or no actual value and acquires representational value only after it enters commerce. A subtlety that destroys people and nations when government accomplices provide cover for the scam by running up comically massive bogus national debts, when we could easily be debt-free.

    Of course those currency loans to their federal accomplices are for principal only. There is never enough currency loaned to pay the compounding interest, so more principal must be borrowed to “service the debt” that can never be repaid. That’s why the criminals raise the debt ceiling, and that’s why you’re a frog in water that’s about to boil.

    Throughout America’s history, several Presidents have fought these criminals. Jefferson exposed and opposed them. Jackson succeeded in abolishing their central bank. Lincoln bypassed them and issued tax-free, interest-free, and debt-free Greenbacks to finance the Civil War. Garfield supported that issuance. Kennedy bypassed them and issued modern Greenbacks called US Notes.

    So here we are. TARP and other RICO-violating legislation now “allow” the banking crime syndicates to issue $trillions worldwide. Most US currency is outside of the US being used by affiliate crime syndicates to literally buy nations, just as ours is being bought. But, really, nothing is being purchased — it’s being stolen by massive criminal fraud. So massive that millions of people die because their government accomplices pay the bogus debt as a pretext for political and economic power over naive victim citizens. Intra- and international conflicts have also been the most profitable banking crime syndicate investments, so they foment them through their made men.

    What’s the solution? The bad guys will never go away without intense law enforcement by We The People, because the perps sociopathically believe they “own” most of the world, and because they know their crimes against humanity are so heinous that their awaiting punishments will be the most severe. When they do go away, then We The People can reassert our Constitutional right to issue debt-free, interest-free, and tax-free sovereign cyber and paper currency to fund all Federal operations. Similarly, State governments can issue their own currency out of thin air for interest-free personal, business, and infrastructure loans that will vastly increase our prosperity and employment. Taxes will be reduced since interest-bearing bonds and transactions will no longer be necessary or allowed. Inflation will be eliminated by zeroing loan repayments and operating the State banks as public utilities. Our prosperity and freedom are certainly not based on money. They are based on law enforcement, which is based on our morality, which is based on Christianity.

    “You shall not charge interest to your countrymen: interest on money, food, or anything that may be loaned at interest.” Deuteronomy 23:19.

    Please read my 2012 Economy and Foreign Trade planks for more information and links to proof.

  7. […] The Leveraged Buyout of America […]

  8. We are now seeing the logical outcome on the Thatcher/Reagan “plan” to Globalise the world economy. Public utilities like airports,highways, power generators, Ports, water supplies etc,etc, were handed to the 1%ers, at bargain basement prices, which weakened the hands of governments, and empowered Corporations. Now, Governments have to do what Corporations want, and not the other way around.

    “The deposit to loan gap for all US Banks is now about $2 trillion, and almost half of that gap is with Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Wells Fargo alone” (presumably the other trillion is spread amongst the other Major NY Banks, as I understand the rescue was limited only to the Mega Banks, whilst hundreds of regional banks in the USA have failed)

    The FED has ‘pumped’ $2 trillion into the Banking system via QE, by digitally ‘printing’ it. We were told this was necessary to “save the economy” when in fact the Banks are using these funds to further entrench their power. It is unbelievable theft on a grand scale.
    The “Trickle Down effect” didn’t refer to the wealth flowing from the top down. It actually meant that the Middle Class would ‘trickle down’ into the lower class, while the wealth accumulated at the top.

    How on Earth has this been allowed to happen, and when are the American people going to do something about it?

  9. This mess seems similar to the utility holding company mess in the 1920s.

    Isn’t it interesting that we had Glass-Steagal and banks were boring and seldom (except for a few cases) got into any real trouble. When they did, they were small enough that they could be resolved and reopened. Citibank was an exception, due mainly to its political heft, but even they weren’t much of a drag on the economy. One just knew that no one could manage Citi and accepted its periodic blowups for their entertainment value.

    We need to bring back G-S with a vengeance. Of course, this would trap Goldman and the other brokerage houses that converted to banks to feed at the bailout trough, but them’s the breaks, right? You take the risk and you sometimes lose.

    One way to think of Glass-Steagal II is to think of ways to break up banks along business lines, distributing the shares of the new entities to the existing shareholders.

    After reimposing G-S, we should establish as many public banks as possible.

    The result of a stricter regulatory environment, smaller banks and public competition should be a brightening of the financial prospects for individuals and smaller businesses.

  10. […] Ellen Brown Writer, Dandelion Salad August 26, […]

  11. […] The Leveraged Buyout of America!  by Ellen Brown, Giant bank holding companies now own airports, toll roads, and ports; control power plants; and store and hoard vast quantities of commodities of all sorts. They are systematically buying up or gaining control of the essential lifelines of the economy. How have they pulled this off, and where have they gotten the money? – In a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke dated June 27, 2013, US Representative Alan Grayson and three co-signers expressed concern about the expansion of large banks into what have traditionally been non-financial commercial spheres. Specifically: – [W]e are concerned about how large banks have recently expanded their businesses into such fields as electric power production, oil refining and distribution, owning and operating of public assets such as ports and airports, and even uranium mining. – After listing some disturbing examples, they observed: – According to legal scholar Saule Omarova, over the past five years, there has been a “quiet transformation of U.S. financial holding companies.” These financial services companies have become global merchants that seek to extract rent from any commercial or financial business activity within their reach.  They have used legal authority in Graham-Leach-Bliley to subvert the “foundational principle of separation of banking from commerce”. . . . – It seems like there is a significant macro-economic risk in having a massive entity like, say JP Morgan, both issuing credit cards and mortgages, managing municipal bond offerings, selling gasoline and electric power, running large oil tankers, trading derivatives, and owning and operating airports, in multiple countries. – A “macro” risk indeed – not just to our economy but to our democracy and our individual and national sovereignty. Giant banks are buying up our country’s infrastructure – the power and supply chains that are vital to the economy. Aren’t there rules against that? And where are the banks getting the money? – How Banks Launder Money Through the Repo Market In an illuminating series of articles on Seeking Alpha titled “Repoed!”, Colin Lokey argues that  the investment arms of large Wall Street banks are using their “excess” deposits – the excess of deposits over loans – as collateral for borrowing in the repo market. Repos, or “repurchase agreements,” are used to raise short-term capital. Securities are sold to investors overnight and repurchased the next day, usually day after day. – The deposit-to-loan gap for all US banks is now about $2 trillion, and nearly half of this gap is in Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo alone. It seems that the largest banks are using the majority of their deposits (along with the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing dollars) not to back loans to individuals and businesses but to borrow for their own trading. Acquiring a company or a portion of a company mostly with borrowed money is called a “leveraged buyout.” The banks are leveraging our money to buy up ports, airports, toll roads, power, and massive stores of commodities. – Using these excess deposits directly for their own speculative trading would be blatantly illegal, but the banks have been able to avoid the appearance of impropriety by borrowing from the repo market. (See my earlier article here.) The banks’ excess deposits are first used to purchase Treasury bonds, agency securities, and other highly liquid, “safe” securities. These liquid assets are then pledged as collateral in repo transactions, allowing the banks to get “clean” cash to invest as they please. They can channel this laundered money into risky assets such as derivatives, corporate bonds, and equities (stock). – That means they can buy up companies. Lokey writes, “It is common knowledge that prop [proprietary] trading desks at banks can and do invest in a variety of assets, including stocks.” Prop trading desks invest for the banks’ own accounts. This was something that depository banks were forbidden to do by the New Deal-era Glass-Steagall Act but that was allowed in 1999 by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed those portions of Glass-Steagall. – The result has been a massively risky $700-plus trillion speculative derivatives bubble. Lokey quotes from an article by Bill Frezza in the January 2013 Huffington Post titled “Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Gamble With Bernanke Bucks“: – read more! […]

  12. […] The Leveraged Buyout of America!  by Ellen Brown, Giant bank holding companies now own airports, toll roads, and ports; control power plants; and store and hoard vast quantities of commodities of all sorts. They are systematically buying up or gaining control of the essential lifelines of the economy. How have they pulled this off, and where have they gotten the money? – In a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke dated June 27, 2013, US Representative Alan Grayson and three co-signers expressed concern about the expansion of large banks into what have traditionally been non-financial commercial spheres. Specifically: – [W]e are concerned about how large banks have recently expanded their businesses into such fields as electric power production, oil refining and distribution, owning and operating of public assets such as ports and airports, and even uranium mining. – After listing some disturbing examples, they observed: – According to legal scholar Saule Omarova, over the past five years, there has been a “quiet transformation of U.S. financial holding companies.” These financial services companies have become global merchants that seek to extract rent from any commercial or financial business activity within their reach.  They have used legal authority in Graham-Leach-Bliley to subvert the “foundational principle of separation of banking from commerce”. . . . – It seems like there is a significant macro-economic risk in having a massive entity like, say JP Morgan, both issuing credit cards and mortgages, managing municipal bond offerings, selling gasoline and electric power, running large oil tankers, trading derivatives, and owning and operating airports, in multiple countries. – A “macro” risk indeed – not just to our economy but to our democracy and our individual and national sovereignty. Giant banks are buying up our country’s infrastructure – the power and supply chains that are vital to the economy. Aren’t there rules against that? And where are the banks getting the money? – How Banks Launder Money Through the Repo Market In an illuminating series of articles on Seeking Alpha titled “Repoed!”, Colin Lokey argues that  the investment arms of large Wall Street banks are using their “excess” deposits – the excess of deposits over loans – as collateral for borrowing in the repo market. Repos, or “repurchase agreements,” are used to raise short-term capital. Securities are sold to investors overnight and repurchased the next day, usually day after day. – The deposit-to-loan gap for all US banks is now about $2 trillion, and nearly half of this gap is in Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo alone. It seems that the largest banks are using the majority of their deposits (along with the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing dollars) not to back loans to individuals and businesses but to borrow for their own trading. Acquiring a company or a portion of a company mostly with borrowed money is called a “leveraged buyout.” The banks are leveraging our money to buy up ports, airports, toll roads, power, and massive stores of commodities. – Using these excess deposits directly for their own speculative trading would be blatantly illegal, but the banks have been able to avoid the appearance of impropriety by borrowing from the repo market. (See my earlier article here.) The banks’ excess deposits are first used to purchase Treasury bonds, agency securities, and other highly liquid, “safe” securities. These liquid assets are then pledged as collateral in repo transactions, allowing the banks to get “clean” cash to invest as they please. They can channel this laundered money into risky assets such as derivatives, corporate bonds, and equities (stock). – That means they can buy up companies. Lokey writes, “It is common knowledge that prop [proprietary] trading desks at banks can and do invest in a variety of assets, including stocks.” Prop trading desks invest for the banks’ own accounts. This was something that depository banks were forbidden to do by the New Deal-era Glass-Steagall Act but that was allowed in 1999 by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed those portions of Glass-Steagall. – The result has been a massively risky $700-plus trillion speculative derivatives bubble. Lokey quotes from an article by Bill Frezza in the January 2013 Huffington Post titled “Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Gamble With Bernanke Bucks“: – read more! […]

  13. […] See on […]

  14. […] companies have become global merchants that seek to extract rent from any commercial or financial business activity within their reach.  They have used legal authority in Graham-Leach-Bliley to […]

  15. This is a very important article and I hope its message travels far and wide. Nice work, Ellen.

  16. […] services companies have become global merchants that seek to extract rent from any commercial or financial business activity within their reach.  They have used legal authority in Graham-Leach-Bliley to subvert […]

  17. […] The Leveraged Buyout of America ( […]

  18. […] Read more: The Leveraged Buyout of America  […]

  19. […] Click here to continue reading and look at the video linked to at the end of the article, made available here: […]

  20. […] see what they have in store for anybody including us who resists their goals Ultimate power and possession of the entire planet […]

  21. Reblogged this on Republican Liberty Caucus of Okanogan County and commented:
    One more reason for the public bank. Check out the great Web of Debt blog!

  22. […] The Leveraged Buyout of America […]

  23. “Using these excess deposits directly for their own speculative trading would be blatantly illegal, but the banks have been able to avoid the appearance of impropriety by borrowing from the repo market.”

    How come that isn’t dealt with as illegal money laundering? If the excess deposits are being put at risk in any deal – no matter how long and contrived the chain of intermediate transactions – the banks are acting immorally – and that should be against the law.

    Of course, that brings us right back to the Prime Flaw of Government. In a world mainly populated by people who will do anything for money, how can you possibly control the rich? It’s like equipping firefighters with paper suits, or giving office workers chocolate computers and expecting them to get work done. (They will eat them instead).

  24. […] The Leveraged Buyout of America ( […]

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