15 Responses

  1. Great tutorial – and… It’s important to clarify here that in Cyprus, small investor accounts of 100,000 euros or less were spared from the bail-in haircuts. This will also most likely be the case for future bail-ins. So it’s the larger account holders that have the most risk in these cases…

  2. […] For a PublicBankingTV video on the bail-in threat, see here. […]

  3. This is a great production and communication of the emergency national crisis, that demands decisive management; every public official and every citizen must understand and act on this. Yes, it time now, to go into action and do the things necessary to defend the nation and protect the population. Everyday that Congress does not reinstate and implement the Glass-Steagall standard in US banking is the national security crisis. The Public Bank is the immediate solution that will take the government and citizenry’s assets out of Too Big To Fail, (TBTF), banker-speculator facilities’ management, and allow for new political and economy policy formation. Thanks for this video, it needs greater broadcast.

  4. […] [www.JohnPerkins.org] c] Your money is not safe – Ellen Brown https://webofdebt.wordpress.com/2013/08/25/publicbankingtv-your-money-is-not-safe-in-the-big-banks/   4. AREAS FOR DEEPER INVESTIGATION    a] Campaign Lab is a 9-month programme for economic […]

  5. Under the law to confiscate depositors’ money, how can deposits at public banks be exempt? Surely, the government can (and will) impose confisctaion measures on all bank deposits, regardless of the banks’ status? Only deposits held outside the jurisdictions mentioned in the video will be safe.

    • We are speaking to the provisions of the Doss=Frank Act. The bank would have to have derivative holders making demands on their respective claims in the facility where their derivative holding accounts reside. Bank confiscations throughout the whole banking system, regardless of derivative accounts existence, is not being rational, however, when we look to the Detroit bankruptcy proceeding, the possibility of such scheme exists.

    • My take on that is that 1) public banks would be unlikely to go bankrupt because they would be conservative like the Bank of North Dakota–not doing derivatives and not having profit maximization as an over-riding goal 2)they would have the enormous asset base of the state (or county or city) backing them up, as well as the taxing authority. So deposits in public banks would be safe from bail-ins. Governmental jurisdictions with public banks will be much more financially healthy and stable than ones that rely on “TBTF” private banks.

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